Wednesday, October 22, 2008

strikes, protests nad some more....

Two weeks of festivities and everything nice sumped up my Dashain vacation. With the Dashain hangover still hovering around me, I headed to KU. With only two weeks more to go for the Tihar vacation, I was hoping for some serious study time during this period.

But living Nepal, its better not to think of even one day in advance. Uncertainties coming knocking onto our doors every moment, so its best for us to simply live in the present, LITERALLY. So it didn't come to me as a surprise, when we had to return from the bus stop for three straight days. There would be no confirmation about whether or not the banda was taken back. Therefore, we had to get to the bus stop to see it for ourselves and return back.

A banda can be pleasent for many when you work for months and months on stretch. But here not a week goes by without banda. We get all geared up to give finishing touches to our assignments, plan to do this and that in the college. But then a banda is called or some people block the road and we are forced to regret studying at KU. And most of the times we regret having to stay in such a country like Nepal where there seems to be uncertainity looming large over our lives.

We curse the protestors, the politicians and every such individual who contribute in making our lives so much filled with hassles. Yet we console ourselves at the end of the day saying things will get better. Nothing, no country is perfect. Nepal is going through a transitional phase and we have to bear the consequences for some time. In a few years time, all of these uncertainties that are now a part of our lives will be a long forgotten story.

Lets just hope that such day will arrive in our once 'peaceful' country.

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